A pension is a long-term tax efficient savings plan that helps you to build up a pension pot to fund your retirement and give you greater ownership of your future

Anyone who is self employed or who earns an income but cannot join a company/employer pension scheme, can start a personal pension plan.
If you are a member of a company/employer pension scheme, and have another source of income, you may be able to contribute to a personal pension plan.

How Does A Pension Work?

Retirement planning for your future

Saving for Retirement

You can save for your retirement with a:
. Personal Pension Plan
. Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA)
. Single Premium Pension Plan (lump sum)
We can advise on the option most suitable for your requirements.

Options at Retirement

At retirement you can take the traditional annuity route which will provide an income for life or you can fund your retirement through Approved Retirement Funds (ARFs). We can talk you through this choice and recommend the most appropriate course of action for you.

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